Sabtu, 15 Mei 2010


(English Version)
Introduction to Buddhism
Buddhism is a teaching that talks about Dharma, the way to reach Enlightenment. In Buddhism, Enlightenment is viewed as the condition where the beings understand the Law of Life (Karma), free from life suffering (Samsara) and reach the perfect happiness.
This teaching was taught for the first time by Buddha (The Enlightened One) known as Siddhatta. He was a prince from India but then he chose to live as a hermit. He meditated so hard under a big tree called Bodh Gaya to find Enlightenment. After He found the path to the Enlightenment, He gave the teachings to us through His Disciples. Right now, His teachings about Dharma spread out all over the world. That is why this blog is created. This blog is used to help the spreading of the Dharma Teaching. This blog will help the Buddhists to get Dharma teaching by attaching some articles that contains the teaching from The Buddhist Monks, Rinpoches and other sources. This blog will also attach some Buddhist stories for the children and some news about recent events in the world, especially that is related to Buddhism. Hopefully, this blog will be a helpful for the users.